Welcome to InfillThinking.com. I’m Joseph Triepke, Founder and Principal Research Analyst, and I want to thank you for spending some of your valuable time here. Infill Thinking launched in 2016 to cover the US oilfield marketplace with independent research of the highest caliber.
Our goal here, in its simplest form, is to deliver the kind of oilfield business updates you’ve always wanted and needed to read in a pleasing environment free from corporate influence.
After spending a decade as a Wall Street analyst and trade rag editor covering oilfield service, I realized that commercial leaders in the US oilfield are underserved. It’s hard for decision makers to find unbiased and useful information.
We’d like to take this opportunity to introduce Infill Thinking and preemptively answer a few questions about this resource if it is new to you. Scroll down at your leisure or jump directly to a specific Q&A here:
What Is Infill Thinking, And What’s In The Name?
Inspired by an oilfield practice, Infill Thinking is a new blend of analysis, research and journalism focused on oilfield service market fundamentals.

Just as infill drilling lifts the production curve of existing oilfields with new wells, Infill Thinking aspires to lift the oilfield knowledge curve by injecting fresh perspective into the conventional news & analysis stream.
What Subject Matter Should You Expect Here?
Infill Thinking publications and data focus specifically on the business of the oilfield. We don’t dissect every little oil price move or blast readers with forecasts that will inevitably prove to be wrong. Instead our focus is on analyzing market trends, pricing, utilization, corporate strategy, opportunities, risks, and cyclical and structural shifts in the oilfield competitive landscape.
We put boots on the ground often to gather field level intelligence, and canvas a vast network of highly placed contacts to create valuable market intelligence. We turn data into stories. Only the most important news you really need to know surfaces here, and analysis and context are always provided to go along with any news we cover (i.e. no mindless regurgitation).
Our coverage focuses on the dynamic oilfield service, pressure pumping, frac sand, oilfield water, and drilling sectors. We cover significant E&P developments, particularly as they impact opportunities across the oilfield value chain.
How Are Infill Thoughts Communicated?
We convey fresh perspectives to subscribers through our original series of digital publications which are regularly posted for subscribers on our website. These updates plus additional commentary is also delivered to your inbox through our email newsletters that hit subscriber inboxes weekly (read publication descriptions here).
In addition to our writings, we also offer unique tools designed for the modern O&G business leader. Our downloadable spreadsheets now reside at Lium.com/shale-services and deliver high value industry data and analysis with no learning curve from new software.
What Is Infill Thinking’s Research Philosophy?
The foundation of the Infill Thinking process is our Three Ts. These principles emphasize quality over quantity and align our work product with the needs of serious industry professionals.

Why Do You Need Infill Thinking?
The big question is why? Why should you join Infill Thinking? Don’t you have enough to read already?
Sure there’s plenty of information out there, but what you’ll find here is different (and you’ll only find it here). Infill Thinking was created to solve three key problems with conventional news and analysis sources. If you are on the fence about joining, please take a moment to read about the pressing industry needs that Infill Thinking was built to address (explanations are below).
Problem 1: Noise. There’s an ocean of free content out there, but how much of it is really worth your time? Sure, we all need to know the news of the day. But do we really need to see the same old pedestrian stories regurgitated by dozens of publishers? And then there’s the endless parade of press releases and oil price speculation. Why all the noise? Well, it’s largely because of declining digital advertising revenue. To stay profitable, websites that depend primarily on advertising dollars have to increase article quantity to increase traffic. This means a rising tide of mediocrity and distraction.
Infill Thinking’s Solutions: Not just another news service, the focus here is on quality over quantity. More isn’t always better. At Infill Thinking, we leverage over a decade spent thinking about the oilfield business to cut through the noise, delivering unique angles on selective oilfield stories that really matter. Data-driven insights on oilfield business trends are the focus. Stories here are written from a single experienced voice, not by stringers new to the industry or sitting overseas (we are made in America). We want to empower you with a framework for processing the news that you will read elsewhere six months or a year from now. Our goal is that you will never read an article here that you feel wasted your time.
Problem 2: Independence. Many publishers these days serve too many masters. Do they write for readers or shill for the corporations that pay them for advertising? Today, sponsored content and paid placements are blurring the lines between promotion and honest journalism. Yet another trap readers face is stories promoting the publisher’s own revenue lines. And on Wall Street or in the financial press, stories are often told to pump a stock or stir up banking business.
Infill Thinking’s Solution: We are content purists. Infill Thinking does not offer corporate sponsorship deals targeting the email inboxes of paying members, who comprise over 90% of our revenue. Our perspectives, web traffic, subscriber information, and conclusions are not for sale to corporate bidders. Period. We carefully select a couple ethical sponsors for our free weekly product that goes to expired members with excerpts from our archive. These limited sponsors receive unobtrusive recognition on our homepage as well. No outside influence here, and Infill Thinking is privately owned by dedicated research analysts. Because this service lives or dies based on member renewals, our publishing interests are truly aligned with readers.
Problem 3: Clutter. Flashing banner ads. Videos that auto-start. Endless share buttons for social media platforms you haven’t even heard of. Click-bait. Slideshows. Special offers in your inbox. Nosy questionnaires. Call us old-school, but over-developed, over-commercialized platforms annoy us and will never compensate for high quality content.
Infill Thinking’s Solution: When it comes to knowledge conveyance tools, we believe strongly that less is more. Infill Thinking keeps it simple, with email newsletters and a mobile friendly website with minimal distractions. Infill Thinking depends on unique story lines and high-caliber posts to encourage sharing instead of dozens of buttons that clutter up your reading experience. It’s worked – we’ve grown almost entirely by word of mouth, with almost no promotion of our service. And because of subscriber support, there are no “in-your-face” advertisements for members to endure. Oh, and Infill Thinking will never ask you to fill out endless questionnaires or blast you with special offers. To subscribe, all you need to do is complete a simple signup form.
What Do You Get As An Infill Thinking Member?
Hand-picked stories of significance, reliable context, and forward-looking analysis combine with two-way conversation and data to elevate the Infill Thinking service into a class of its own. Infill Thinking’s publications were designed with the modern US oilfield business leader in mind. Without further ado, here is our line up of publications and services:
- Infill Thoughts
- Thinking Ahead
- Out Think
- Quick Thoughts
- Think Sheets
- Email Newsletters
More than just the same old news, these frequent updates provide context and analysis on the most important oilfield issues of the day. Relevant with a long-shelf life, these updates offer new angles that can’t be found anywhere else. Infill Thoughts are published regularly on the website and emailed to subscribers in a newsletter format.
The focus of Thinking Ahead is the oilfield business outlook. Our data-driven analyses and trend discussions help executives, sales people, and decision makers identify opportunities and optimize their outcomes. Our subject matter spans the US oilpatch, and Thinking Ahead installments regularly appear in our Infill Thoughts newsletters.
In-depth research on hot oilfield topics. These high-value reports are written every so often. The Out Think series includes segment primers, thematic explorations, and fundamental forecasts designed to help you “out think” the competition.
We don’t always break in, so when we do it’s important. Quick Thoughts email alerts provide unique perspective on the biggest breaking news, identifying implications and reading between the lines. Our focused commentary empowers you to react fast with reliable context.
Lium Sheets are regularly updated spreadsheets containing original data-sets, models and analysis on upstream fundamentals. In addition to proprietary analysis, we also aggregate and organize certain public oilfield data-sets.
Analyst Plan required.
In addition to real-time and archived access on the website, we also ship our publications to subscribers in regular email newsletters. A summary of Infill Thoughts is sent weekly, and forward looking Thinking Ahead updates are regularly included here. Quick Thoughts are emailed as needed.
How Can You Join?
Email us at: [email protected] to discuss our subscription options.
Thank You For Your Support!
In closing a special thanks the thousands of oilfield leaders that have become a part of the Infill Thinking member community. Your feedback and generous knowledge sharing is what makes this platform so special.
I believe the industry needs a service like this. Thousands of members do to. And I hope you’ll agree if after you take a look at what we are up to here…
Best Regards,

Joseph Triepke
Founder & Principal Research Analyst | Infill Thinking, LLC
Welcome back Joseph. You have been sorely missed. You offer a solid and unique industry voice and one I look forward to hearing from regularly. Sign me up!
Great to hear from you Susan! Thank you very much for your support and encouragement.
The pleasure is mine, Joseph. I just call ’em as I see ’em. That said, I can’t wait to get my weekly “fill.”
So happy to have your thoughtful posts to mull over again…